There is a Field: Play Performance

Sponsored by the Center for Palestine Studies

Monday, March 28 - Tuesday, March 29

Time: 7:00PM

Location: World Room, Columbia Journalism School, 2950 Broadway, at 116th Street


There is a Field is a play about Aseel Asleh, a 17-year old Palestinian citizen of Israel killed by police in October 2000. Based on interviews and primary sources collected over fourteen years, the play offers a uniquely personal lens for understanding inequality as the root of state violence and impunity.

This two-night run of the play is part of a larger Land Day Tour, across 20 U.S. universities, to coincide with the 40th anniversary of Land Day, a commemoration every March 30th since 1976 of Palestinian land expropriated by Israel.

Open to the public, $10-20 suggested donation, no one turned away.

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