Islamic Scholarship Fund

ISF's mission is to improve the understanding and acceptance of Islam by supporting students and increasing Muslim American representation in the professions that influence public policy and public opinion through academic scholarships, film grants and networking opportunities. For the last 6 years, ISF has awarded 115 students a total amount of $316,000. Our goal is to award 35-40 scholarships in 2015 ranging from $2,000-$5000. 

ISF started accepting applications on December 11th. The deadline to submit a complete application is April 14. The Selection Committee will review applications from April-May. All applicants will be notified of the results by the second week of June and finalist will be scheduled for remote interviews. Interviews will be held in June and early July. The list of recipients will be announced and award checks will be send out by end of July.

Minimum requirements to apply for a scholarship: 

* Muslim or active member of the Muslim community; 
* Enrollment at an accredited university in the U.S. by August 2015; 
* Majoring in an ISF supported major (complete list here
* Maintaining a minimum 3.0 Grade Point Average; 
* Citizen or Permanent Resident of the U.S.; 
* Undergraduate (sophomore/junior/senior) or graduate/PhD

Deadline April 14, 2015

For more information click here.

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